Wisdom’s Table

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Ecclesiates 3:1

The writer of Ecclesiates struggled desperately to put his finger on the meaning of life. In Chapter 3, he outlines many of life’s seasons. We often turn to this passage when we face a time of significance. Whether it is in the birth of a child, a graduation from college, the loss of a loved one, the success or failure of a business venture, the fight against a habit, the mending of a fractured relationship, a move to the other side of the world, or a victory for Justice, we draw lines in the sand, speak vows, build memorials, sign contracts, and throw parties that these moments would be remembered.

What about the time spent in the in-between? Seasons that seem to lack noteworthy significance are opportunities for the Lord to instruct us in the priceless lesson of Contentment. As our need for Contentment is revealed, it is increasingly obvious that only by the power of Jesus Christ is there strength in our weakness. While Contentment is key, my hope is that our desire is not to simply survive, but to THRIVE in the in-between!

In the stillness of this morning, my attention was turned to Proverbs 9 and I considered how seasons of preparation are an excellent training ground to foster our relationship with Wisdom. If our aim is to mature before moving into the next chapter of life, Wisdom must be sought after. The beauty of the illustration in verses 4-7 is the invitation to “live and walk in the way of insight.” A table is prepared! At this table, we can receive the nourishment and strength that Wisdom offers.

Within the same chapter of Proverbs, the Way of Folly is also described. Answering to her loud cry to partake of the meal she offers only leaves the guest unsatisfied and in the company of the dead. Her way may seem appealing and initially satisfying, but the end result is destruction.

As I shared these thoughts on Wisdom with my husband, he also highlighted a valuable truth: we are in a season that is moving fast. All around us, the lives of our friends and family are marked by rapid change. There are many decisions along the road ahead and we must choose to dine at Wisdom’s table. The choice is ours to feed on the Bread of Life, completely surrendered to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It is only in a posture of faith, seated at the table of Wisdom, that we will experience the growth and maturity required to live with excellence!