Heart Stories : Jess

Before I participated in my LifePlan, I felt lost, alone and very discouraged with where I was in my life. I felt like I had little to offer the people around me, like I was “faking it” and hoping that no one could see the pain and confusion I was feeling in almost every area of my life. When I was able to participate in my LifePlan, I felt relief and a little apprehension – I didn’t know what to expect or what I was going to take away from the experience. Going through the pre-work was more painful than I had anticipated. It really forced me to be completely honest with myself and look at areas that I knew were suffering and needed my attention.

When I first met DeAnza over breakfast, I felt an immediate connection. It was like she and I were destined to meet at some point in our lives and the timing could not have been more perfect! She was nothing but caring and attentive, asking questions in a way that made me feel safe and comfortable.

Through the entire LifePlan process, I felt empowered. I was with someone and in a space that was safe and  where I could be completely honest and open about who I was. I didn’t have to pretend or fake with DeAnza during the process. It was so freeing!

The LifePlan process helped me to truly realize what my ultimate purpose was – a purpose I knew was always there but that I had turned away from in attempts to make others accept me. I no longer feel like I have to deny who I am, what I want and what my purpose is. I have clarity, passion and drive to meet my Action Initiatives, to achieve my goals and to be proud what makes me ME!

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It was incredible to see my life on paper – standing in a room with my life literally hanging on walls was a truly unique experience. My favorite part of the LifePlan process was defining my purpose – taking words that I have said about who I am and what I want and pulling it all together was a once in a lifetime feeling.

I have achieved more than I anticipated since my LifePlan, both professionally and personally, and am proud of progress I have made since my time with DeAnza. I know that without going through my LifePlan, I would be at my one of my lowest points with little idea of what my next step would be. But, because of my LifePlan, I have clarity with who I am, what I am made to do and have steps for accomplish my goals while leaving a worthwhile legacy.
